Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Behaviour and Consciousness.(2)

Part 2: Sex and Violence in Suburbia - The Drive Toward Real Consciousness.

When do you feel best..? After a shag, or after a fight. (Well, okay, it depends on a few other factors - Like: "Was I in bed with Angelina Jolie or in a prison shower with a gay Serial-killer..?" and "Did I win..?" But you get the gist.)

The real question, however, is "If we are in some way akin to pleasure-seeking robots - Why don't we spend more time banging eachothers' brains out..?" Why, on the way to work on a rainey Monday morning, do I not actually stop the car and attempt to get seriously jiggy with that blonde picking up her oranges by the side of the road, rather than just thinking about it..?

Why, when my skinny, pissant boss dumps me with yet another load of work that he should be doing on a Friday night, don't I pick him up and break his wretched spine across my knee..?


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