Sunday, April 29, 2007

Stripping away Society

I've been to a couple of strip clubs, both openly in Amsterdam and on the sleazy underground scene in the UK, and I was always left wondering at what a bizzare ritual it is, beneath the visible surface of "Whoo - Hot chick getting dirty."

As flatly as possible: In the UK I went last to a semi-legal Stripper's night at a Working men's club, hidden away on the outskirts of Nottingham. Large basement club, probably a dancehall in its better days, filled with pissed middle-aged workmen served by middle-aged topless waitresses who had all seen much, much better days. Three strippers came on, and proceeded to strip with all the eroticism of a mechanic taking off his dirty overalls after a hard day at the garage. After a lot of squatting and the inserting of various household fruits the threesome pulled some poor sod out of the crowd, tied him to a chair, cut off his clothes, laughed at his admittedly short and frightened dick, and then with the help of some of his colleagues carried him out and dumped him naked on the street. Then they walked about, still nude, with pint glasses to collect tips from the strangely subdued and silent audience. I gave her a pound coin, which was enough to elicit a small shrug and a wobble....Continued...


McGuire said...

Hello Tab, great piece of social commentary on societies sexual greed and moral hypocrisy and general vice and cowardice.

Comical, witty, insightful and moral...You write very well indeed, Jon...I'm a bit envious.

keep it up ;)

Tab said...

Thanks mate. Compliment indeed.