Sunday, July 18, 2010

From Dope to Pope.

In the place where I was born, there is a magnificent cathedral, one of the most impressive in all of Europe. It's an amazing sight, hard to look at without feeling a sense of awe, and inside you step into the vast collective quiet of hundreds of hushed voices, even the most raucous of tourists cowed into the pretence of respect. The vicars and priests hover in their cassocks, with folded hands and ethereal smiles, just in case anyone has a question, physical or metaphysic.

Even the most hardened of atheists, or agnostics must admit, religion has come a long way.

I mean Jesus, if religion was always just a bunch of bullshit, how did it come to have all this cool stuff..? What happened in the big "SHAZAM!!!" Such a transformation is indeed miraculous, I mean, no other single institution of man throughout history can boast of such a plethora of architecture, riches, pomp and ritual.

One senses divine power.

Or does one..?

Any good detective works from a couple of very basic principles: One of which is the time honoured playground cliché of "Who started it..? and the second of which is "Follow the money". Which is what we will do.


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