Sunday, August 17, 2008


Hey kids. To give you some idea of when I'm writing this: I'm watching you my son, playing Spyro on our knackered old playstation. You're only wearing your red pants because it's August, and as hot as a big pile of hot things. Your sister is sitting on the floor nearby; it's well past her bedtime - she's just demanded that her nappy be removed for the umpteenth time and we are no doubt just waiting for the next surprise puddle of wee.

So, how am I going to do this..? Part of me wants to structure everything, part of me just wants to kick back and ramble on about this and that. call me a lazy old dog, but I think the ramble part wins - I can always go back and edit later. Or not.
I've been thinking a lot about confidence, how to win it, how to fake it, where to find it in the first place. A lot of people never find it their entire lives - they remain shrinking violets, ever at the beck and call of others, toadying up to whoever's got the best posture in the room. These poor unconfident sods however are unfortunately the people who run the shop, society-wise. Beware of offending them, for they can be merciless. But, I'm getting a bit ahead of myself.
There are a few common sayings that show the way I think:
  • "Never judge a book by it's cover."
  • "Clothes do not make the man."
  • "Just be yourself."
  • "It's what's on the inside that matters."
They show the way because they are all hopelessly and utterly wrong.

note: 2010 jun. Obviously my stock of wisdom amounted to less that I'd estimated... LOL.

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