Saturday, August 16, 2008


Living a life isn't rocket science, if it were then the total population of the Earth would amount to, well, bugger all.

But, hell, if you read the self-help books or any of the other assorted manuals of happiness you'd have to guess that anyone who finally did manage to achieve some degree of contentment during their lifespan must have had three degrees in psychology and a whole bucketload of cash.

Which is bollocks.

So, a new label - "Wisdom..?" - for a new kind of post: the kind that might be helpful to my son and my daughter as they grow up, and face the various shit that life will sling at them.

Hey kids. This is your Daddy's version of all the conversations I never had with your Gran and Grandad - my father and mother - all the question-and-answer sessions they dodged, or left just too damn late to make any difference to my life. I'm not condemning, they kept a roof over my head, and yours too at times, and fed me up big and strong, kept me in school... But... Well, there are always buts, I have mine, just as you will undoubtably have your own buts with me and your Mum.

So - For what it's worth - contained in these posts will be the things about life I wish I'd known just a little bit earlier than I did. Or at least my view of what's important to remember when life throws you a curve. You can agree, disagree or simply laugh at your old, stupid father and his silly ideas, but hey, you never know, they might just help.
Love you both.

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